Learning to crawl
- 0-1 Years
- 1-5 Years
- Child development and growing up
- Moving and being active

Crawling is the first way babies can move around independently. It's a broad term that can cover lots of different movements such as bum-shuffling and rolling.
Remember each baby is unique and will develop at their own speed.
Explore the topics on this page:
Crawling positions
There are lots of different ways for your baby to crawl and move. Each baby is unique and has their own preferences. Your baby will find their own preferred way to move around.
On the move
To encourage your baby to crawl, put their toys away from them so they must look for them and crawl to get them. Using a moving toy can also motivate your baby to crawl.
We strongly encourage you to secure your furniture and babyproofing your home. Read more about safety in the home/falls for information on how to babyproof and secure your home.

Need more support for your child?
If your child needs further support developing their early physical skills, read our activities to support your baby's movement.
Last reviewed: 1 November, 2023