Early advice sessions

The early advice sessions are for pre-school and home-schooled children. These sessions are to discuss your child’s speech and language concerns with a specialist.
If you require an interpreter, please discuss this when booking the appointment.
Preparing for your child's early advice session
The session will often take between 15 and 20 minutes. Sometimes it may take up to 30 minutes. You and your child will both need to be at the session, and you will need:
- a device with a camera and speaker
- an internet connection
- any additional information from preschool or nursery
- some of your child’s favourite toys
Don't worry if your child doesn't want to be on camera, this is common. We can still get the information we need by speaking to you.

Setting up for your session
To prepare for your early advice session:
- Set up the device in a comfortable and quiet place.
- Ensure there is good lighting and that the therapist will be able to see you and your child.
- Try to keep other children and pets out of the room.
- Place toys in view of the camera.
If you want to make notes, you may want to keep a notepad and pen nearby to write down the therapist's advice.
Joining the call and speaking to the therapist
You will be sent an email before the session. This will contain a link to join the call. At the time of your appointment, click the link and follow the instructions to enter the private digital waiting room. No other patients will see your details.
The therapist will join you when they are ready. If the therapist is running late, you will be sent a message in the waiting room. The therapist will confirm your child's name and date of birth at the start of the session.
During the session the therapist may observe or assess your child, and you can discuss your concerns with them.
If you get disconnected, the therapist will call you on the number you have provided.
The therapist will discuss next steps for your child during the session. They may need to speak to other professionals, and will agree this with you at the session.
Unable to attend your appointment?
If you are unable to attend your appointment, please contact the service as soon as possible on ccs-tr.slt@nhs.net or 0300 029 50 50.
Last reviewed: 1 November, 2023